Tuesday, April 28, 2015


When we watch a movie there is always a beginning. Sometimes it's a flashback, sometimes a birth, it can be a song, setting up for a house or city the characters live in, or it can start with a simple "Once Upon a Time".

All of the character's stories start and end at the same time. They all follow along the same timeline. Wrapping everything up in a seemingly perfect bow.

But in life.... stories are never consistent.

There is never a true clean beginning and ending to the different stories in out lives. Even the birth and death of us are right in the middle of other stories being told.

It's funny to think where I think a new start happens and different from where someone else says that same start happens. A great example is this past weekend. My best friend got to have a great new start in her life, she went on her first date with the amazing guy. I know that she thought her beginning was after they announce the graduating class, and I got to hug her and she whispered to me "I'm Free". However, I don't believe that that was her start..... I believe that was her transition.

Remember I said that not all stories Start with "Once Upon a Time".

I believe that her start to that new story was when her and her new boyfriend made that first left out of the parking lot of the church and driving down the rode and out of site. It's was one of those rare moments in my life that I realized that I was witness the beginning of one of the greatest love stories ever recorded. So far their stories, both individually and together thus far, is something that could have only been written by film writer.

So far it's a crazy story of love, loss, hurts, healing, long lost family members, struggles, stress, separation, longing, desire, and it's only the beginning of the story.

If I had to pick one movie that their life most relates to, at least in the crazy emotional roller cost it put us on, would have to be The Princess Bride. No other tale has the crazy feeling of  "you are so close to being with each other BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO GET IN THE WAY!" I am not even in the relationship and I am dying!

I guess I am going to have fun watching the rest of the story unfold huh?