This has become one of those films that you just have to see. Regardless if you like Mr. Hanks of not you just have to see this film. After my first viewing I understand why.
First off, Ron Howard did an excellent job at directing this film. Nothing seemed forced, nothing seemed boring, all of the action was had you equal on the edge of your seat but nothing seemed like it was over the top.
When doing a bit of research for the film I found that Ron Howard did not want to use any actual footage from the Apollo 13 mission. On top of that the actor who would be portraying flight controllers went to flight controller school. On top of all of that he actors studied hundreds of materials from the mission and took a crash course in physics to just the could make each scene as authentic as possible.
The drama of this film is something to be truly marveled at! In a lot of films that involve a crash, wreck, or some over the top situation there always seems to be mass panic. There is always people freaking out, there are always people screaming and running around not knowing what to do. There always seems to be a handful a people who keep their cools and get everyone together. To my shock that was not the case in this film.
This film everyone was very calm, very well put together, and very much focused on what needs to be done next. There is no mass hysteria, there is no screaming, there is no one loosing their cool. When I saw that they had a problem I was expecting everyone to go nuts but when it didn't happen I realized something amazing. That this film is supposed to portray the real events that happened and Mission Control not panicking was very much what would have happened. They are all very well trained professionals who have to be ready for something to go wrong and to train that panicking would be the wrong move.
Even though I know that is real seeing everyone so calm during that scene made the drama that much more real. It made it that much more intense. This creepily eerie silence while people work on a solution to save these three men who may be lost in space is one of the most powerful moments in movie history.
I am ashamed of myself for not seeing this movie earlier in life. It has to be one of the best movies I have every seen. I am talking top 15 movies for sure.
Do yourself a favor is you have yet to see Apollo 13 see it as soon as possible!