1. Closer in Faith: So for the end of the year I know that I am not where I am supposed to be by any stretch of the imagination. However, I am working out some stuff and I have to say what I really need to do is be more forgiving of myself. That I really need to not beat myself up when/ if I get behind. That I know that, rationally, that God is not going to stop talking to be when I stop talking to Him. Like If I fall behind that when I do come to Him he is not going to sit at His Throne and cast me off just because I got scared and stopped talking to Him. That is one way that the devil has tried very hard to do in the last few years is keep me in "I'm never going to be able to come to God in the way that I want to" state of mind. I know that I know that I can always come to God not matter what I am feeling in that moment. However, shame is always the one thing that keeps me from wanting to go to God. What I think I need to focus on in the coming year is the I need to not "get closer" it's "Defeat Shame". Always running to God in the midst of my shame, instead of hiding. I can't hide from God anyways, He always sees me and knows my heart, so trying to hide something from the One who things can't be hidden is an impossible task. Trying to keep up with it is slowly killing me and I know it. I need to start bringing my shame to God first, have Him help me and forgive me, and then I can work on the rest of my relationship with Him.
2. Lose 50 Pounds: So, mom and I have given up for the year. We are just too busy to even try and I have fallen totally off my morning routine so I don't want to go. We will pick up again as some point.
3. Cook Better: So, I will say that I have enjoyed cooking a whole lot more this year. It's still not my favorite thing to do. However, I think that the reason I dislike it so much it not because of cooking itself. It's because I don't have the time to do it. I feel like when I only have like four hours from the time I get home to going to bed that spending 30 minutes to and hour cooking is such a waste of my time. If I had more time after I would gladly cook more often. However, in this season of life that is just not something that I can enjoy to the fullest right now. Hopefully, one day I will be able to have more time and have life scheduled more around food.
4. Dress for Success: Seeing as I am writing this in April of 2023 (However, I will be back dating it because that is who I am as a person), I will say that I have enjoyed putting more thought into what I wear. 2022 has shown me that I don't have to go all totally out in order to feel good about what I am wearing to work, church, or just in the day to day. It has help to show me that what I wear is actually helpful to my day. I know that I can't be super productive if I am wearing pajamas all day. That by putting thought into tomorrow helps set up what I want to accomplish tomorrow. That also insure that even if tomorrow ends up being crap, I will still look good.
5. Speak up: I will say that I feel this is the one that I have enjoyed growing in the most. I feel like that I have been more outspoken about the things I want to do or don't want to do. That I have been able to say my opinions and I have cared less about what people have thought about my opinions. I won't be rude in the things that I say but I feel more confident in the things that I know or asking if I need more information. I will say I feel less bogged down be my own thoughts of matters or events because I was able to say that I felt, or wanted, in that moment.
7. Look People in the eye more: This one is just going to be what it is. I understand the importance of looking people in the eye but I am still working on it. If I am honest it will be something that I am working on the rest of my life.
9. Style:
I got that brown jacket at Walmart, and that is the last uncomfy outfit of 2022. I got lots of compliments but I think it was just ok.
10. Creativity: I am not gonna lie the only thing that I have really been able to do is just be helpful in other things that they want to be creative in. I really like creative problem solving and I feel like I have been able to do a lot of that in the last few weeks. So, working my brain in a different way has been wonderful and a little freeing for me.
11. Spoiling: I did buy one thing that made me really happy and that would be The Princess Bride Cookbook. Alaina and I are going to have to do one of them soon!
12. Peace: So, peace is a little off because of the fact that I have not been coming to God. I know that is my biggest problem and one I am going to be working on.
If I Stay is about a young girl who is trying to figure out life in the midst of her impending death.
I didn't realize what this movie was about until I started to watch it. However, It ended up being a really good. I thought it was sad, sweet, and really showed the sometime having the confidence to endure hard things is just as important as dealing with how you feel about yourself.
Moonstruck is a 1987 film about two very unlikely people falling in love.
So, this one did not hold up for me in the way that I was hoping. This is one of those movies that I have heard about for forever, and I had a very different expectation for this movie. I really didn't care for this movie at all! I don't know what I was expecting but this was not it at all! It's not one that I would be singing it's praises for. If you like oddball movies this might be more of the movie for you.
Toad in the Hold With Sauteed Peppers was the meal. I am not going to lie. I was so hungry, and excited, for this meal that I totally forgot about taking a picture for this meal. The was like the last bit and I remembered. I loved Toad in the Hole and I was so happy that the last meal out of the book was an easy one to make!
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